
Sunday, February 7, 2010


I have been playing Farmville and sorting scraps. I have too many scraps for my scrap bins. I've sorted by color and by cut pieces. Theseare overflowing. So, I decided to put all the pieces that would make good strings in my string bin.
I don't have any more scraps to sort, or at least I don't think I do. YES, I am caught up in one area.
Now to make more string quilts.


  1. FABULOUS!!! I am extremely jealous of how organized your scraps are. I am saving this post for inspiration. :-)

  2. It feels great to be able to go to a bin and find what I need. Just found 3" blue squares when I needed them. Now, to just cut into more squares as time goes on. And to make string blocks.

  3. I am very inspired by your Blog & scrap "containment policy"! I need to bring my scraps under control and I need to be more consistent on my own Blog. Followed your link from a Nickel Quilts glad Leoni is back!
