
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

scrap sorting

I was sorting my scraps into their color drawers. I sort by color and then when I cut, I sort by size of squares. But, right now, I am trying to go through 2 bins of scraps. Some of these are OLD. I remember them being used in quilts 6 years or more ago. Yikes, where were they hiding? I swear the scraps multiply overnight. When I look, it appears that I have not even made a dent in this one bin. But, it must be air, right? I have decided I need to make a green and blue quilt because I have too much of both of those for one drawer, so I must need to use them up. The next scrap quilt should have lots of fun fabrics in it.
Anyway, I found blocks in there that I didn't know I had. So, that means UFOs are increasing instead of decreasing. I found some new/old hst that I can use in my ocean waves, so that is a good thing. LOL I've not been sewing, I've been organizing and trying to get my home in order.

Today became a day that I helped my son focus and get some of his home in order. He just moved and it was supposed to be a 2 week move, but instead became almost an overnight move -- about 2 days to move. Yikes. He got everything moved, but not in any sense of order. He is still sleeping on the couch because he can't get his bedroom together. That would have been my focus,


  1. I agree that they multiply while we sleep. I notice that you have crossed out the names of finished UFO's on your sidebar. How'd you do that?? I put my list of UFO's on my sidebar and was told I was brave. I want to cross them off as I finish them too.

  2. I say you have to do Scrap Therapy. But the scraps will still multiply though, unfortunately.
