
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday update

Well, with Christmas and everything, nothing used. I did sew a little, but not anything finished.

Fabric usage goal (100 yards)--(45.19) yards to go
Fabric Added This Week -- 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date -- 63.25 yards
Fabric Used This Week --0.00 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date -- 106.53 yards
Fabric Used this month -- 17.72 yards
Net year to date: 54.81

Judy is having us do the check in again this year. Accountability is a good thing! Praying that 2010 is so much better.


  1. Sewing is good - by the number of quilts crossed off, you did a lot of sewing this year.

    Have a Happy New Year!


  2. Way to go with your numbers. You are still ahead with stashbusting.

  3. Yes, I've done lots of quilting. Just didn't get much done in the summer because of surgery and wanted a better finish. But done is good.

  4. Good job ending the year with positive usage!

    The holidays are hard. You'll get back to sewing soon enough.
