
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quilt Market

Went to Quilt Market to represent Abbi May's quilt shop. What fun we had. Some of the fabrics were just spectacular. Tammy is my friend on the right that I went with.

I love this pattern. I could see these fabrics used with a dark brown. Lots of tote bag ideas. This poppy fabric was amazing.

I got to see Gina again. I really need to figure out how to embroider on clothing better.

This is a baby quilt I have to make. The 3D aspect with novelty inside it.

Met Mark Lipinski at Market too.

We stayed with Tammy's cousin and he had Candy, the parrot. Isn't she beautiful? She adopted me and made sure to let me know when I was not showing her enough attention. Seemed to want to eat everything I had too. LOL

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