
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Slowly getting back to sewing

I had 2 birthday blocks to make in Jul and 1 in Aug. I got the material early, but life got in the way and I didn't get them completed. So, I finally finished the second one. The last one is the hardest and I'm going to tackle it today.

I've been using DHs 9 patches as my starter/enders. I need to focus and get it finished too.

I logged in all the magazines I had sitting around and the kids have filed them for me -- or most of them. LOL That is nice to be able to find the ones I'm looking for. I think I'll be going through them to see if I want to sell some off.

My desk is cleaned off with a list of things to do. Maybe I can take one off the list each day and life will be good.

I'm looking forward to getting back to sewing.

Oh, we have a new addition to the house. Chris, the parakeet. DD loves him and I think she likes to handle him lots. Hoping to train him to do some tricks. He got on my finger this morning, so that is working better. It is nice to have a pet in the house.

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