
Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday update a day late

Fabric usage goal (100 yards)-(82.60) yards to go
Fabric Added This Week - 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date - 58.75 yards
Fabric Used This Week -11.06 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 65.45 yards
Fabric Used this month - 11.06 yards
Net year to date: 17.4

Judy is having us do the check in again this year. Accountability is a good thing!

This was a completion week for me. I finished another UFO that was given as a teacher quilt. This was a collection of cross blocks that didn't work for a swap. It was fun to make and quick. I needed quick because I didn't decide to do this until late.

Next was a baby quilt for a teacher. I had this Eric Carle fabric and this is what happened. As it turned out, she had her baby a month early, so DD didn't get to deliver it to her.

Then, I have been making these cute notepad holders and needed one for the music teacher. DD wanted it red and orange, so this is what I did.

I'm not finished with the Texas quilt yet, but I like the way it is turning out. I'm still working on the size of star that I need. I'm thinking I need to use a full yard of fabric to get what I want.

I'm worn out with all I've done in the last 2 weeks, so I took the time to lay with DD while she was ill this weekend. Not much else going on here.

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