
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Doris' top together

Well, I got the Doris Love quilt together. I don't particularly love the colors, but it will be a great quilt when I'm done. Need to make the backing and then put it in the pile to quilt.

I got the next QOV ready to load. I need to the focus to do it, and today was a depressed day. Mom is not doing great and she says what she's thinking at times like this. She is upset with DH for going for the job in CA.

I'm still fighting with making a batting large enough for a friend's quilt, so that needs to be done too. But, there are lots of quilts that need to be quilted. I wish I'd get motivated to do that.

I am working on the Butterflies in the Garden sashing tonight. The one fabric I chose for an inner border won't work, so I need to figure out a different one. I think I will get the sashing together and put on the first border before I figure out what change to make in the next sashing. The idea was to use a red border, but I don't like it with this choice of fabric. There isn't any red in there, so I will either use a teal or another orange or maybe a green. Time will tell.

Still no recordable use of fabric, because nothing is DONE. But, just think what I can count when it all comes together.

I'm waiting on some chocolate brown for Glenn's Love quilt. When that gets here in the next day or two, I will get the borders on that quilt and it needs to be quilted immediately. Glenn has had his surgery and this would be nice to get to him soon. I did find the red I'll use for the border. Actually, it is the red I was going to use in this project.

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