
Friday, March 20, 2009

Busy day

Even with doctors appointments, horseback riding for DD, and haircut for DD, I managed to get the 2 love quilts bound. So, they are washing and will be mailed early next week. It feels good to finish things.
This is Glenn's, and the label on his. Thanks, Vicki for digitizing it for us.

I think I only have 8 more quilts to quilt now. That's still lots to go. I have the big one on the machine now. I hope to get it done tonight or tomorrow. Time will tell. I'm about ready to turn on the A/C today. It gets warm upstairs when it's above 80 outside.

Only one of these will count towards my fabric usage, so I still won't have a great report this week. But, my to do list is decreased by allot.

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