
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Love quilt update

Well, not much sewing done today, but I did finish the friendship stars (I might need to rearrange a couple of them) and started on the checkerboards. I think I need to make 80 or maybe 160 of the 2 patches. I'm thinking I want to add the checkerboards at the top and bottom too. That would add another 8 inches to the quilt. Right now the quilt is 48 x 56. I'll see what I think the design needs to make it work. I'm happy I got to work on it at all today.

My leader enders are the hst that I need and the blue strips for the 9 patches. I don't know why I'm doing both, must be ADD???

Sam's club caused us to be sold out of cookies. Yes!!!! So, now I need to get 12 samoas and 6 trefoils for another customer. Then, we have 30 some odd gift of caring boxes to give to the Intrepid at Ft Sam. We are closing in on the end of the cookie time. So far, we are 100% balanced on the cookies. Hope it stays that way.


  1. The colors in your current quilt on design wall are yummy. Can't wait to see it all together.

  2. ooh, I like those stars! Wonderful colors. Looking forward to seeing it all finished!!!

  3. I love your Heart Quilt - love the blocks and the layout so far. Wonderful job. Can't wait to see it completed.
