
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday update

Fabric usage goal --100 yards-- 88.63 to go
Fabric Added This Week - .00 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date - 0.00 yards
Fabric Used This Week - 11.37 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 11.37 yards
Fabric Used this Month - 11.37 yards
Net year to date: 11.37

Judy is having us do the check in again this year. That helps me focus, so thank you!

Not a good week for me, but I played with strings in travel mugs. I didn't like the no backing one or the one with batting, so I'm going to still have to play and figure out which way works the best. I bought a case, so I need to figure it out. LOL.

I've still be down with the bug. DD was home from school 3 days, back in school for one and then is off until Tuesday. We went on a family outing the last 2 days and I will be home tomorrow. I hope to sew tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. The bugs sure seem to be powerful this year. Hope you're better soon.
