
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Secret Santa

Well, I opened my Misfit SS box tonight. I LOVE IT ALL!!! You will see why!
Here is the box ready to open.
The packages waiting to open. Isn't the paper pretty?
I LOVE THIS!!! I was making these for DD's teacher, but didn't have time to do it for myself. :) I'm thankful for this. The ornaments are all hung on the tree. There is a flower at the top, 2 trees, candy cane, ornament ball, a gingerbread girl, Santa, a stocking, a sleigh, 2 presents, & a snowman. It is beautifully quilted -- Metallic thread on the tree, off white on the background. It is BEAUTIFUL!!! To think I just made 2 for teachers and didn't think I'd have time to make one for me, well now I don't have to! THANK YOU!!! Now, do I hang it in the dining room or the kitchen? Do I hang last year's wall hanging in the dinning room or the kitchen? LOL Oh my, decisions.
Second is something from the stash. It is a Lazy Girl Design -- Sassy Bag. It is a 3-pocket purse with plenty of Sass. I like this one. Looks like something that will help me use up some fqs. I can see myself making a few of these. Can't wait to try it. Wouldn't it be neat in red hat fabric????
My favorite color is red, of course. The cocktail napkins will be used. The Christmas fqs are so much fun. Would they make a cute purse????I've been craving chocolate, so she sent me my favorite -- how did she know???? Milk Chocolate Caramel Filled Ghirardelli Chocolates. I'm hiding these from DD!
Her favorite recipe is Mildred's Brownies. Yummmm. I'm baking tomorrow, so they are on the list now.
Look at this cute ornament. It is so fun. It is a spool of thread with ribbon threaded through a button on the bottom and top. The ribbon on top is held in place by a quilting pin. I LOVE IT!!!!
I've never been disappointed by a Secret Santa. I love that someone that enjoys the same thing that I enjoy, will be sending something special to me. Ruth Ann, you out did yourself!!!! I love it all!!! I am so excited to go and hang this wall hanging and hang the ornament on the tree.
Even with all the drama that was had during this secret santa time frame, I think that overall, everyone was pleased with their packages. I just pray that folks remember that the getting is all fun, but the giving is really special. The reason we do this is because of Christ, so, let's put the true meaning back into CHRISTmas! I pray everyone has a family filled CHRISTmas!

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