
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday and Sunday update

Saturday was my small quilting group monthly meeting. I didn't get to go for all day because DD had a Food Drive for the Girl Scouts. WE have fun there, and I got to go for an afternoon of quilting. I started out trying to make the bug jar, but forgot the pattern and all the sizes I cut for the corners didn't work well. So, I went on to cut out the Pineapple Blossom. I had jelly rolls instead of the 2" strips, so I had to modify the sizes. This is what I got. It makes a 12" block instead of a 9" one. This is going to be really pastel, but they are jelly rolls I've had for a long time. I actually got 1 block made and the rest of the quilt cut out. I'm not sure what the borders are going to be, but....I got something ready to sew.

Lana was working on her retreat quilt. I got a photo of the first border, but didn't get one of the 2 sides of second border.

Wanda, being the overachiever, had lots of baby quilts she did. This one is for her grandson and when she washed it last night, he got to sleep under it. Then, she made these other baby quilts and she started another one.

Ina was working on this pretty Debbie Mum quilt. The border is going to be very scrappy 9-patches .

My fabric usage update is as follows:

Fabric usage goal --100 yards {3.61 to go}
Fabric Added This Week - 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date - 49.31 yards
Fabric Used This Week - 3 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 145.90 yards
Fabric Used this Month - 3 yards
Net year to date: 96.39 yards USED this year!!!

Thanks, Judy.So, what did I work on this week? I've been working on things, but not finished much. I did send off the 3 yards of fabric to someone that lost all their stash in hurricane Ike.


  1. working on projects lead to finishes! You are so close.

  2. What a kind, sweet thing to do, sending some of your stash to someone whom has lost theirs. Thanks for setting such a kind example for us all!

  3. Hey almost to your goal! Sew, sew, sew and stay out of the shops!

  4. meloney,

    isn't that a mary englebreit quilt bit instead of a debbie mumm that ina is working on? :o) happy to see your blog, congrats on the making your goal, and, i finished a christmas card to send to you on the first. i LOVED seeing the pictures of you then and now in your next posts, and i didn't see any extra weight :o) you looked nothing like i had envisioned.....

    what a fun little stop, will stop by again :o)

    from too many groups that you are in too LOL
