
Sunday, August 24, 2008

What I've been doing

This little girl of mine turned 9 today. My oh my, how can that be?

I've been working on her birthday party and then DS decided to have his on the same day, which was OK, but meant 2 different cakes.

We had about 25 folks attend and it was a swimming party, so they had lots of fun. DD prayed all week that it wouldn't rain on her birthday party.

Prayers are answered -- it was raining in the morning, then cleared up around 0900 and the party went from 1000 - 1200. It started to rain about 1215. LOL THANK YOU LORD!!! We stayed after and played in the pool in the rain. No thunder, until about 1300 and then we got out and went home.

Next birthday is in about 2 weeks for DH. I get them all out of the way in short order.
School starts tomorrow, so it will be back to the normal routine.
I've got lots of things I need to figure out what to do with. Next week will be volunteering in school for some of the time, and then we can focus on what I want to do.

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