
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

QWL #30 Done

OK, all the Quilts With Love's are completed and ready to be mailed off. I need to unpin it and trim it for them to do the binding on them. I can get it mailed off this week. This is a major project for me. I received 30 of them last year. It has taken me way too long to get these done, because they are on their way to the soldiers who are deployed. This is a comfort to them, and I so believe in helping make things better for our troops. Now that they are done, I'm not sure that Maggie will want me to take on any more. So, it will just be whatever I happen to be able to make and send off to her to send to the troops. It feels good to be done with something that has been hanging over my head. I'm pleased.

Now, on to the QOVs I got late last month. I just realized that these came from someone about 30 minutes from me. Maybe I'll be able to meet her and deliver the 2 quilts she has for me to quilt. The first one I pulled out to let the wrinkles drop out of is very pretty. Simple red, white, and blue squares randomly put together. There is a white inner border and a dark blue outer border. Very pretty with it's red and white striped backing. That is my next quilt to do. I know it will need stars because there are so many star fabrics on it. I love doing stars, so that will be a fun one to do.

Well, I'm rambling, so I'll stop and get this unloaded so I can take a photo of it.

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