
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Help, please

OK, here is the quilt I need to do. I have 2 more. The next one that I got batting for, well, I need a larger batting. it is 96 x 116. I got 110 x 110. :( So, off to get a different size of batting for it.
Now, the final quilt that I don't know what to do with is this one. It measures 72 x 108. Not a normal size and I would like some suggestions. Someone suggested cutting it in half and making 2 lap quilts out of it to give to the homeless shelter. I'd love to get some ideas on how to quilt it, color of thread, patterns, should I leave it the way it is? Anything goes. I'm just looking for suggestions right now.
While I wait to get bigger batting and figure out this quilt, I'll be putting the binding on the wedding quilt and doing some piecing. I really would like to get these 2 quilted and be 100% done without any quilt tops remaining (at least for a short time).
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  1. I see feathers...the blue pieces that sort of stick out of the square in a square center..I would just do lines or stitch 1/4 inch inside like steps.. You could put a nice feathered wreath in the center and half wreaths in the yellow..or some other feather.
