
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Update on last night

Well, I got some things done, but not all of them. We were not there all that long. It was good to get out.

1. Sew together Girl Scout Quilt top. (Top done)
2. Cut and sew some of the Pineapple Blossom quilt.
3. Do a couple ocean waves for starter/enders. (Finished one)
4. Sew together DD's horse quilt top.
5. Sew together Shontelle's horse quilt top. (Columns sewn together, need to finish the rows )
6. Birthday block (Done, need to redo )

Some of the other ladies have some beautiful projects in the works. I love them all.

So, what are my sewing plans this weekend?
1. Make backing for GS quilt
2. Quilt GS quilt
3. Label and bind GS quilt
4. Finish Shontelle's horse quilt top's center (I think I am going to make it longer)
5. Load Love Quilt
6. Birthday block resewn

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