
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday's progress

I sewed some, cleaned some, swam allot and enjoyed my Sunday.

I have the top done on the horse quilt for DD's best friend -- the purple and green one. Still need to do the pink and brown quilt for my DD.

I made a place mat purse. Dar wanted one with the top rolled down. Too thick to sew through, but I made it. Wouldn't suggest it, but.....

I have the love quilt ready to load, but something is telling me to work on the horse quilt and get it done quickly.

I have the binding almost done on the Girl Scout quilt, so that is almost complete too. I need it for Thursday.

Not too bad of a day for a mini migraine. :)

My list:
1. Make backing for GS quilt Done
2. Quilt GS quilt Done
3. Label and bind GS quilt Almost done
4. Finish Shontelle's horse quilt top's center (I think I am going to make it longer) Done
5. Load Love Quilt
6. Birthday block re-sewn

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mel, you always have so many projects going-great purse idea.
    I am here now too, mostly to keep track of my blogger friends post in one spot-lol Kathy in ozarks
