
Thursday, May 15, 2008

slowly but surely

Doesn't DD look good on Roscoe? This horse is headstrong. But, DD shows him who's boss!

I have a good friend, Vicki, that designed a label for the girl scout quilt for me. I have it ready to sew on. The binding is sewn down. The hanging sleeve is half way sewn down. So, it will be done by tomorrow. Yeah!!!

I also cleaned up the sewing area a bit. Not 100%, but better than it was.

I got the backing together on the string quilt and it is loaded on the long arm. I am using leftover pieces of batting, so I had to zig-zag them together for this quilt. That is done and they are waiting for me to quilt. This is one of my UFOs, so that will be a great one to get finished.

I have the red for the inner border picked out for Carolina Crossroads. The border on this quilt is giving me fits.

I picked out the backing for a soldier quilt, so that is ready to piece together.

I found the inner border for the Precious Moments baby quilt, and hope to get working on that one too.

I actually feel like I'm making progress. I also cleaned up my desk and it is actually wood under there. LOL Now to figure out which pens and pencils actually still work. I don't know how I collect so many, but I do.


  1. Ah, now, that's one job I can always get sidetracked by - checking out which pens and pencils work, sharpening the pencils, lovely. And it takes my mind off the rest of the boring cleaning that needs to be done.

  2. Sounds like you got a lot done.

    love and hugs xxx

  3. Happy to find another quilt/horse lover. Yes he looks terrific on Roscoe.
