
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break Week

I've had a little bit of sewing in, but mostly having fun with DD. Today was a day of miniature golf, soccer, and go cars. Don't let an 8 year old have the wheel. Let me tell you that it was a big mistake, and we ran into the side. oh my. I'm sore, and am so happy I have a chiropractor appointment in the morning. Yikes!

Yesterday we had out red hat group. Isn't DD cute in her pink hat? It was a small gathering this time, but we had fun.

Then, in the evening was Disney on Ice -- High School Musical. This is DD and Dad acting funny.

DD got her brace off, so now it is trying to keep her less active again.

I got a baby shower invitation for the 29th and needed a boy baby quilt. I had these 5 ship blocks and just did the 4 patches in blue and white. So, I think it is OK. Now I need to get it quilted.

I received a few more hearts for the love quilt and I need to make my block. I was waiting to see which one I needed to do. That needs to be quilted this week too.

What fun this week of spring break has been.

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