
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Just what I needed

Well this has been a week from hell. Sorry, but no other description.
Last Wed DD broke her finger and has a brace on. Today they took it off and put another one on. We go back in 3 weeks.

DH went TDY (on a business trip for those non-military folks) to Cincinnati, Oxford and Dayton OHIO. He got there around 2:30 yesterday afternoon. By 6 or 7 he had totaled his rental car because of ice. He didn't go to the ER and was not doing great. He is at the ER today. Hoping it is nothing too serious and he can come home soon.

DS is stressing over college. He is having issues with classes, and he wants to do so well that it is concerning him.

Today, I checked the mail and what did I have? Something that brightened my day.

Jackie sent me this place mat purse. Isn't it beautiful?

My crazy friend, Marianne, the one that makes me laugh so often, the one who understands the men in our lives and helps me to figure it all out, sent me these. I didn't know she was so evil. I'm trying to bust my stash. I'm trying to use up my 2.5" squares and what arrives??? More 2.5 inch squares. Hummmm, what is the pay back going to be????

1 comment:

  1. oh good so she didn't just get me :p
    I'll be making blocks and packing the quilt tops up to mail either tomorrow night ( our po is open till 7) or Sat on the way to the train for the city....
