
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Not much sewing done

I've been running around to doctors appointments for most of the week, so I've not got much sewing done.

I did find that the next clue for the Carolina Crossroads mystery is up. Now to do some sewing.

I have all day Saturday dedicated to sewing, so I'm excited about all this. I've been putting my list together on what I want to take with me.

1. They want to learn about fabric postcards, so I'm taking my Christmas cards (my wall looks bare now) and the others that I have collected. I'm also taking stuff to make Winter and Valentines postcards for a swap that I'm in.

2. I am taking the heartstrings I was working on last month.

3. I'm taking the extra heartstring blocks and some backing fabric to make prayer squares. If my Mom makes it over, she can do the tying of these little quilts. I need around 10 of them.

4. I have fabrics for the house blocks we are talking about making

5. I hope to have Mom's pants hemmed, if not they are coming with me.

6. I might work on the Carolina Crossroads.

7. I need to make a couple of pincushions

8. I have a birthday block to finish up.

9. I have some dog beds that need to be stuffed. If Mom is coming, I'll make the beds up and let her stuff them. Then, it will be 3 generations working on them.

I think that is enough for 7 hours of sewing. LOL Not all will get done, but I can pick and choose what I want to work on.

I have loaded a QWL, but have not had any time to quilt , so it is waiting.


  1. Thanks for the comment. This mystery has been so much fun and a great way to meet other quilters.

  2. Hey Mel!!! It looks like we got added to the ring...woohoo~

