
Monday, November 12, 2007

This is how I feel today -- off a little. This is the presentation of the retirement quilt. LOL

Can't say I finished everything on my list.

1. Finish the mystery test (Done, and ripped and adjusted for my needs)

2. Load a QWL and quilt it

3. Pick up sewing room (picked it up and made a mess again)

4. Heartstrings top made (started the sashing for these)

Can't show what I've worked on here, so I will just say that I love what it has turned out to be.

Took a walk with a neighbor, and that made me feel good.

Went to Hobby Lobby and got backing for the 2 baby quilts, 1 birthday quilt and 1 QOV. Now to get them all quilted and out of here.

I think I found a gift to make. CD coasters. Basic premise is to have a design in the center and put a CD between the front and back, stich around the CD and trim as desired. I can't wat to try and make one and see if I can make 80 of them for all the teachers at the school.

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