
Friday, July 31, 2015

Christmas Trees

They are all done.
I finished the binding today while at the doctor office.

Prairie Moon Challenge

Eradicate a pile
My room is a mess again.
DD decided to clean her room to the floor and then start band camp two days later.
You know what that means --- stuff all over the place.
This pile is probably just boxes and containers.
I think those containers are going under the long arm.
Go check out Prairie Moon and her challenges.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Music quilt

I was quilting along and all was well with the silver thread.  Then it started breaking.  Clean the machine, oil the machine, let's try a different needle.  No joy. Start ripping out the swirls.  Why does it take longer to rip than sew?  Hope to get this ripped out today.
It could have been ready to bind.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Road Quilt is done.

My road quilt was my July Lovely Year of Finishes Quilt.
I finally found the time to load it and quilt it.  
I did not custom this one.
It is a donation quilt that I'll add matchbox cars to the package and donate to Autumn Winds for their Fall Bazaar.

Weekend update

DD decided to rearrange her room, so I didn't get focused on my stuff.
I friend gave me her leftovers for dog beds and pillows. 
Out of her stuff, these went into the string bin. 
I'm helping with a GS Gold award by quilting this quilt.
Need to find backing for it and get it quilted and back to her. 
Finished one of the Christmas Tree Wall Hangings.
It will get some decorations when I ind them.
I think I might have some in my craft drawers.

I quilted the rest of the Christmas Tree Wall Hangings.
Now to get the binding sewn down.

T-shirt Quilt

I realized I never showed you the finished T-shirt quilt.

Design Wall

It's not much, but a start
This was one that was having blocks framed twice.
I think I received this from someone else.
It was going to be something akin to Gypsy Wife, but the blocks are too big.
I pulled the smaller, non-framed blocks off for later.
I'll use some of my already cut strips to frame the 6 blocks and then decide which two are next to each other.
i'm sure I have some pretty fall fabric for borders.

Check out Judy's site for other inspiration.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


I need to be accountable to my plan to organize my HST.
This is the box I had used to take to CA when DH was living there.
I'd work on pressing and trimming them and have usable pieces when I came home.
Since DH retired, I don't know that I've done much with these pieces.
They are bonus HST and I do use them when they are already trimmed.
So, Prairie Moon's challenge is to organize scraps.
I have my bins and strings and they are organized just fine.
But, this box is not, so this is my challenge for this week and until it is done.

Like the magazines.
I thought I'd be saying I was done going through magazine, until removing things from the bookshelves downstairs. :( 

I pulled a few and stacked them on my cutting table.
I will replenish the stack when they are all trimmed.
My goal is to cut a few at a time, so I don't get bored.
I started the process and didn't take a photo of the 6" ones.
I put them in my 6" drawer, because I won't use them in scrap quilts often.
I have started my 3.5", 3" 2.5", & 1.5" piles.
There will be a 2" pile there too, and maybe a 1" pile.
I need to pull the containers to put these in when there is enough to make it worth my while to do it.
So, the process has begun, but it won't be done for some time.

More row by row

Headed out yesterday around 11 and drove to Waco.
Crazy drivers and all.
We stopped at Tomorrow's Quilt Shop and met some wonderful people.row by row

We then drove to Belton to The sewing basket quilt shop

That was all we could do because of the closing time of shops.

My 1974 class was having a get together in Austin, so we went and visited for awhile before heading home.
I'm the one sitting down.
It was a nice day.
Thanks to Randy for driving all over creation.

I'm thinking that this is probably the last of the row by row because band is going to take over our lives.

Now to make a few.

Fabric report

Judy has us keep track of what our stash is doing.
Last week I didn't post.
I got home late, but didn't use lots because I was retreating making tops.
Only finished the T-shirt quilt, and bought fabric in Lubbock.
I still came out ahead.

Used this Week:                                .82 yards
Used year to Date:                      268.15 yards
Used this Month (July)                     2.18 yards
Added this Week:                             0.00 yards
Added Year to Date:                     76.75 yards
Goal:                                                300 yards
Yards to goal:                               31.85 yards
Yards to quilt goal:                       29.80 yards
Net Used in quilts 2015:            170.20 yards 

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:              624

Perimeter in inches                               8139
Number of UFOs finished this year:        45
UFO Yardage Used                                     119.41
Amount of yardage used in UFOs              70%

Go look at the rest of the blog to see all the items

Thursday, July 23, 2015

row by row

I've had a really busy booster week.  The band uniform fitting was 3 days, a mandatory booster meeting with the district, tracking the money from the blue box, and tomorrow an all day convention.

DH went hunting and on his way home he stopped at quilt shops for row by rows.

One shop was in Bandera Gone quiltin Cover Photo

One quit place is in Fredericksburg 

He also stopped at the country Quilt shop in Llano Cover Photo

 Little Cottage Quilt shop in Medina.

Yesterday I stopped at the Scrappy Quilter in Schertz.  
This is the winner for their store.  
Their row is the one with the red snails trail.

Prairie Moon Organization challenge

This week's prairie moon challenge is: 

Deal with the scrap pile

This could be a couple of different places in my area.

 I know what I can do.
I have many bonus half square triangles that are sewn, but not pressed and trimmed.
I think I will work on at least pressing them to be able to trim as I go.
That container is way too full
I use them when they are trimmed, but never if I have to trim when I need them.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fabric Report

Judy has us keep track of what our stash is doing.
Last week I didn't post.
I got home late, but didn't use lots because I was retreating making tops.
Only finished the T-shirt quilt, and bought fabric in Lubbock.
I still came out ahead.

Used this Week:                             1.31 yards
Used year to Date:                      267.33 yards
Used this Month (July)                 1.36 yards
Added this Week:                            7.00 yards
Added Year to Date:                     76.75 yards
Goal:                                                300 yards
Yards to goal:                               32.67 yards
Yards to quilt goal:                       30.62 yards
Net Used in quilts 2015:            169.38 yards 

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:              623

Perimeter in inches                               8055
Number of UFOs finished this year:        44
UFO Yardage Used                                     118.60
Amount of yardage used in UFOs              70%

Go look at the rest of the blog to see all the items

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Row by Row Experience

When I was in Lubbock, I went to Cottage Fabrics.
Theirs is an aquifer.
Cottage Fabrics, Lubbock

Yesterday we went to a few shops for the row by rows.
I don't have a good photo of the chevron.
Sew It Fabulous in Boerne
Rwo By Row West Avenue
Whale Row by Row block
there are two Creative sewing stores
They used their row and made it into a quilt.

I spent today going to pick up row by rows.  
My DH decided that we should do it together.
That was a pleasant surprise.
Rio Bargello
Went to New Braunfels Quilt Haus

New Braunfels Oak Leaf QuiltShop,
They had two styles, a plain background or a multi waved background.
I got the multi one.
 The cotton cupboard in Lakeway,
They made it into a purse
 Honey Bee quilt Store in Austin, 
She added crystals to this and I got the neatest pressing pad.
Sew Crazy in Cedar Park
, Austin Sewing & Vacuum in Round Rock.  
Left at 930 and got home around 730?  
I’m tired.  
Bet I sleep good tonight.

Tried to hand quilt in the car.  
I don’t have the rocking motion, so it is the stab and stitch method.  
Messy on the back sometimes, but it will get done sometime somehow.
It's one of my UFOs from long ago.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Prairie Moon Challenge

Clean off your cutting table or main work surface

My work surface had things from the trip sitting on it.
I forgot to take the before photo.
I also had just trimmed a quilt, so it was a mess
I had parts from previous quilts.
All is back in it's spot.
I have my purple basket for those things like kona black and patterns that need to be returned in it.
the tray has a project that is being worked on and my cotton picker for stray threads.

T-shirt quilt

It is quilted.
I meandered around it, including in-between lines.
It is heavy.
Now to bind it.

Prairie Moon organizational challenge

This week our challenge is 

Clean off your cutting table or main work surface

This is timely with returning and piling the pieces on my cutting table.
It will be a nice project for me.

I did get the coat buttons sewn on, but nothing else.
I suppose one item is better than none.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Retreat Summary

So, recap for the week so far.'
UFOs in *purple, new starts in black.

6. Test Quilt

It's been a good week.
 I decided to link the completions.
Off to bed and then to tear down and go home tomorrow/today.

Music quilt

The music quilt is done.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A little progress

My pride and joy had her band camp concert today.

The baby clothing quilt it coming along.
I still have some things to cut out, but I'm working on the 16 or 25 patches.

Making some progress on the music quilt and the Harley quilt.
Will sew a bit more tonight and post a photo if any progress is made.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Special Reach

Top is done.
I like the way this turned out.
I have one I'll need to transfer when I get home and have some crayons. 

Problems with blog

I tried to post last night, but blog spot must have been having troubles.
I actually didn't finish anything yesterday.
I worked on three projects.
This is the beginning of a music quilt.
I don't have a pattern, so I'm not sure what I'm doing next.
I want some more white space about the center, but not in the squares like it is.
Still thinking. 
This is the special reach quilt.
All columns are now sewn together.
I have the rows to sew together and then it will be ready when I get home
I really like this jelly roll, but not the way it was cut.
Not all the strips were the same width. :(

Next project is to make it easier at home.
I brought a full bin of booster paperwork.
this is the bin now with all the empty notebooks, file folders, etc.
This is how far I got last night.
My first goal was to put them into like piles and not really go through and make choices.
I have the papers in committee piles.
I went through about half the piles.
I put the good things in the blue expandable folder.
I now need to go through these piles and sort out all the duplicates and junk. 
This is what I got rid of.
I also started that list of things that need to be followed up on.

No finish, but lots of progress.
The paperwork is overwhelming.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

a little progress

This one took longer than I thought.
I sewed the background two pieces together and had to turn different ways to get things to fit.
Not a good thing.  LOL
Now to out a couple more background rows on it.
I'm not sure how I'm going to finish it.  It'  15 x 38 right now. 
Running out of space on my design wall.
I moved the blocks to overlap to help with the layout.
I like the way it is coming out.